Saturday, January 23, 2010

No royal audience for Sam Rainsy whose party is accused of disrespect toward royalty: Thomico, King-Father’s new guard dog
Sam Rainsy will not be received by Norodom Sihanouk

Wednesday 20 Jan 2010
By A.L.G.
Cambodge Soir Hebdo

KI-Media note: "See bay ah na, reak-sa ah neung," (The person whose rice you eat, you will guard that person) the old Cambodian saying goes. As a reminder, Prince Thomico, though an advisor to the ex-monarch, receives his salary from the Cambodian government. Currently, the Cambodian government is Hun Xen! Is there any surprise there?

Furthermore, if discussing Vietnamese incroachments does not benefit "P'Kona" or the monarchy institution, what does? Does this mean that the royal institution is out of touch of Cambodia's reality? You be the judge!

Prince Sisowath Thomico has decided: opposition leader Sam Rainsy’s letter asking for an audience with King-Father will not be handed over to the ex-monarch.

In a letter sent to Sam Rainsy, Prince Thomico indicated Norodom Sihanouk will not see Sam Rainsy in his Beijing residence as the latter requested him in a letter dated 22 December. Sam Rainsy could be jailed if he returns back to Cambodia.

Thomico’s letter from Beijing dated 02 January sent to “Very Dear Rainsy” indicated that Sam Rainsy’ private audience request will not be handed over to the ex-monarch due to “the general attitude of the Sam Rainsy Party toward the monarchy and the party’s flaunted disrespect toward the royal institution which is currently represented by King Sihamoni and which was represented by P’Kona [Norodom Sihanouk] in the past.”

Sisowath Thomico chided Sam Rainsy for criticizing the “’subjugation’ of the King to the CPP.”

The letter written in French was published in the pro-CPP newspaper Kampuchea Thmei in its Wednesday 20 January’s edition.

“This is not about me taking revenge back on you, but just like what you thought what you could do best for your interest and your party at the time, I believe that your request is not timely in the current situation and it would not benefit P’Kona, nor the monarchy institution,” the prince wrote.

On Tuesday 19 January, Prince Thomico also rejected the petition sent by the SRP to Norodom Sihanouk to end the lawsuit against Sam Rainsy. In his letter, Thomico noted that King-Fathar has retied since 2004 and the prince qualified the affair as being a “political case”. He also indicated that the case is currently dealt with by “the independent judicial power.”

Sam Rainsy was sued for uprooting stakes along the disputed border with Vietnam. He will be sentenced on 27 January and he will most likely be absent to this sentencing.


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