Friday, January 29, 2010

Interview with Sam Rainsy after he was sentenced to two years jail
Interviewed by Sok Serey
Readio Free Asia
Translated into English by Khmerization
To listen to audio, click here.

Opposition leaders Sam Rainsy has been convicted of sabotage and destruction of public property for uprooting 6 wooden border markers on 25th October 2009 and was sentenced to two years jail on 27th January, 20201. The following is a translation of Mr. Sam Rainsy's interview. My Media Player did not play properly, so some questions and answers have been shortened/abbreviated. Khmerization

Sok Serey: Hello, Mr. Sam Rainsy!

Sam Rainsy: Hello, Mr. Sok Serey.

SS: What is your reaction to the court sentencing you to two years jail?

SR: All the people know that the Cambodian courts are not just and are biased courts. It is a court that take orders from the top- the top means those who hold powers, those who have the money who can do whatever they want. They oppress the poor whenever they wanted. They silence the people, they allow Khmer territories to be lost to our neighbours, they allow our neighbours to encroach on our borders. So, the court should not sentence the patriots, the Khmer people who are the victims. The court should instead sentence the traitors, because they are the ones who cut Khmer territory and give it to foreigners. They are the ones who are guilty, the guilty ones are those who give Khmer lands to foreigners.

SS: Do you have any plans to appeal the court's verdict?

SR: It is not important because the Cambodian courts are not trustworthy and respectful and we don't have any respect for this institution. But, we must continue our demands to the international community, demand that our neighbours to the east and west respect the territorial integrity of Cambodia. I will expose more evidences that confirm that our neighbours are encroaching deeper into our lands and our Cambodian authority have never taken concrete measures to stop these foreign encroachments and they allow the foreigners to encroach our territories, taking our farmers rice fields and many Khmer farmers have lost their lands. They came in to take our lands and put also put us in jail.

SS: Wha is your next plan?

SR: I will continue to reveal more evidences, more documents to show that the guilty ones are the foreigners who invade our territories and those who are guilty are those who allowed foreigners to swallow Khmer lands at will. Those are the ones who are guilty- not he Khmer patriots and victims and farmers. So, I don't need to appeal to the Cambodian courts because we don't have any confidence in these Cambodian courts. But we will continue our demands in the International Court because only international court is a real independent court that can provide justice because it based its judgement on the laws and based on the wisdom of natural justice. So, we will gather our strength and forces to lodge our complaint to the international court in order to obtain justice for our Cambodia, for our Khmer people.

SS: The Svay Rieng has filed suit against 5 villagers. Two were sentenced to one year jail each, but three have been acquitted. Do you have any comments regarding this case?

SR: The court should release all of them, all the 5 people and give them back the lands- the lands lost by the border encroachments. Some people have already lost their lands. They must give them back their lands. Those Khmer farmers have farmed in their lands since the time of their ancestors for many, many years already. And I demand that the court must release those farmers immediately, permanently and unconditionally and give them back their lands and then I will return back to Cambodia and let the court to try and to sentence me and do whatever they like with me.

SS: Do you have any plans to request King Father Sihanouk to intervene on your behalf?

SR: King Father Sihanouk is a real patriot who love the nation and who pays special attention about the issue of foreign encroachments on our borders. And in 2005, he summoned the representatives of the governments, representatives of Khmer border experts from around the world and representatives of the Sam Rainsy Party to see him and at that time he offered his suggestions that the border issues must be resolved in the most patriotic way. But the representatives of the government didn't listen to his advice and made unfounded claims by saying whatever they can think of. And they made claims for the interests and benefits of their party, but they didn't think about the Khmer interests as a whole. So I believe that King Father Sihanouk has the ability to bring representatives from all sides, even from the government, border technical experts, to go to a meeting under the auspices of King Father Sihanouk for us to resolve the border issues properly. This issue is an issue for all Khmer people, it is not a personal issue for Sam Rainsy. Sam Rainsy did not try to defend Sam Rainsy's interests, but I, Sam Rainsy, tried to defend Cambodia's national interests.

SS: Excellency, thanks for giving interview to Radio Free Asia. Goodbye!

SS: Thank you. Goodbye!


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