Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cambodia holds Khmer traditional measurement exhibition

PHNOM PENH, Dec. 28 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia's Reyum Institute has documented more than 130 Khmer traditional measurements and will run a show-casing of the documentation for the public in Phnom Penh from Dec. 28, 2009 to Feb. 2010, official news agency AKP reported on Monday.

According to Research Manager of Reyum Institute Preap Chanmara, Cambodia has long been using a wide variety of measurements for length, height, weight, depth, size, substance and time. Some measurements have been standardized with human body, things, like coconut fruit and tree, and others have been adapted from French measurements; for instance, meter, kilometer, etc.

Chanmara said that sources of the documented measurements include interview with people, written documents, and observation of people's daily interaction.

Different locations may use and understand different measurements. Some locations may use the same measurements for different meanings.


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